Global Assets Integrated was founded in 2005 with a single goal in mind: to provide effective and realistic physical solutions to counter-terrorism, tactical, EOD, and security challenges. To achieve this end, we incorporate the vast multinational experiences and expertise of our staff.
We provide explosive breacher training, tactical training, tactical equipment, and support to life-saving law enforcement agencies and military units.
In 2008 Global Assets was contracted by the ATF to provide the tactical training components for its Suicide Bomber Initiative (SBI) program supported by the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO). Under this program, Global Assets has trained over 500 federal law enforcement officers and military personnel in various counter-suicide bomber interception and mitigation techniques.
In 2009 Global Assets acquired Forced Entry Tactical Training (FETT USA), a leader in the field of Explosive and Tactical Breaching training. FETT USA is a major contributor to the TSWG Explosive Breaching Characterization Handbook which provides guidelines for the use of explosive breaching tactics and methodologies to US Law Enforcement. FETT USA is currently a division of Global Assets Integrated which handles all breacher training and consulting pertaining to tactical breaching including explosive, mechanical, ballistic, hydraulic, manual, and thermal breaching.
In support of US law enforcement agencies, Global Assets provides a yearly Training Grant to the National Tactical Officer’s Association (NTOA), promoting the advancement of explosive breaching capabilities among its members. Each year, the Grant provides free training and certification to selected members of tactical and bomb teams nationwide. Since 2006 our grant program has provided yearly training to 12 agencies and 24 officers national wide.
Even with our continuous growth and expanding services, we maintain the highest standard of quality and uncompromising dedication. We take pride in our ability to provide unparalleled services which elevate the operational capabilities of our clients and directly contribute to their ability to protect our nation.
The highest legal, moral, and ethical standards define Global Assets’ core principles. We continuously assure that our standard of business and services provided adhere to these fundamental values.
Global Assets is compliant with all government regulations, industry protocols, and national/ international laws applicable to our fields of operation and services. We strongly believe in our uncompromised integrity, quality, and dedication to provide superior services to our clients, from tactical training to field deployment.
Defeating terrorism and crime through effective and reliable counter-measures.
Elevate the operational capabilities of law enforcement, government, and military personnel thereby increasing their ability to successfully protect their communities and nations.
We accomplish this through breacher training, tactical equipment sales, tactical training, specialized consulting, and deployment.