Suicide Bomber Initiative (SBI)
This ATF research and development project supported by the Department of Defense Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) was designed for federal agents/officers, anti-terrorism officers, tactical operators, specialty explosives detection canine handlers, and other law enforcement and military personnel tasked with detecting, deterring, and interdicting suspected suicide bombers (PBIED and VBIED). This comprehensive training program consists of 5 interrelated training modules addressing:
- Hostile threat recognition utilizing SRI and BPI
- Full spectrum of interdiction tactics (CSB and TVI)
- IED Detection, Recognition, and Mitigations skills for non-bomb technicians (IED DRM)
- Counter-Terrorism Surveillance and Interception methodologies (CTSI)
- Event Planning- security measures and critical response protocols for large venues and critical infrastructure
Created and taught exclusively by Global Assets, these 5 instruction modules offer legally defensible strategies and technical skills to detect and defeat hostile threats targeting individuals in both lines and unstructured crowds, specifically low-probability through high-probability unconfirmed suicide bombers, confirmed suicide bombers and other persons engaged in terrorist attacks involving improvised explosive devices and/or firearms.