Specializing in Mobile Training for Law Enforcement, Military, and Government agencies. See Information on Hosting a Course.
Explosive Breaching
- LE Explosive Breaching
- Mil Explosive Breaching
- Master Tactical Breacher
- Breaching Workshop
- NTOA Grant CourseTactical Breaching
- Mechanical
- Ballistic
- Thermal/ Exothermic
- Hydraulic
- Master Tactical Breacher
- Breaching WorkshopCounter-Terrorism
- Counter-Suicide Bomber
- SRI and BPI
- CT Vehicle Interception
- CT Surveillance
- Event Planning
Bomb Technicians/ EOD
- Units Interoperability
- WMD Electronics
- Response to MCIs
- Tactical C-IED
Dignitary Protection
- PSD/ Dignitary Protection
- Small Unit Doctrines
- Strategic Vehicle OpsSurveillance
- CT Surveillance
- LE Surveillance
- Tactical Surveillance
- Counter Surveillance
- Hostile Threat DetectionTactical
- Hostage Rescue
- Active Shooter
-Tactical Counter-Terrorism
- Urban Combat
- Counter AmbushC-IED Training for Non-Bomb Techs
- Tactical C-IED
- IED & HME AwarenessFirearms
- UC Concealed Carry
- Small Arms CombatEMS and Fire
- Suicide Bomber MCI
- Explosives Awareness
- Active Shooter MCI